Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy Pearlaversary!

One year ago today, the Cure peeps convened at the Rio in Las Vegas for a party of f*(&1#%  EPIC proportions.

The next morning, a few of the hung over, jetlagged, travel weary and beautiful people crammed themselves (literally) into two or three cars, narrowly avoided being pulled over, got stuck in Vegas strip traffic, and finally gathered in front of the Las Vegas sign to take a photo (whose brilliant idea was that?) before staggering back to the hotel to get ready for the Cure-stalking that would take place throughout the afternoon. Some of them were even from Australia.

And finally, the Cure went onstage. There are about six hundred photos of that so I'm just gonna do a slideshow here:

And there was much anticipation regarding a certain book about the 30th Anniversary being given to Robert, (alas!) but the show ended early, to much despair and speculation.

Finally, I took a crapload of video that night, and so did a lot of other people. Start watching here:

I love you, my Cure peeps!


April said...

What a magical night!